My online friend, Selden, wrote about this documentary in her blog post today. I wanted to share it with you all. So, please jump on over to Selden's blog and read today's entry.
Selden's post got me to thinking about something. I started thinking how neat it would be to have a guest blogger each week who would tell us a little bit about themselves, their farm, their animals, their crops, their gardens, and their future farming goals. Or perhaps, a guest blogger would like to share their farming dreams and how they hope to some day make these dreams a reality. I have "met" so many wonderful online friends and would love to be able to share some of those friends and their stories with those who read this blog.
So, how about it? Who will volunteer to be my first guest blogger? This is also a chance for some of you who do not blog, to have a featured spot here to share about your life. Those who blog and/or facebook, we can put a link to your blog so that folks can begin following your posts on a regular basis. Maybe you read my blog but have never corresponded with me in the past. This would be a perfect time to share not only with me but also with those who read my blog about about who you are and what agriculture means to you.
The way this will work, is I will designate one day a week as my "Guest Blogger" Day. If interested, send me what your autobiographical article, along with up to five pictures. Also include whatever methods of communication you are comfortable with so that folks can connect with you online. (ie: facebook, blog, forums, email, etc.) Please don't be shy! Everyone's story is important and you will be surprised how your life can be an inspiration to others. There may be someone else out there who needs to hear your story.
You can contact me in the comments section here on my blog if you are interested, or you can email me directly at tcuppminiatures@yahoo.com