Hi my name is Rachel
I'm married to the greatest man!we have been married for almost 9 years and we have a 15 month old little girl name Kesa. I am a stay at home mom but i do photography on the side! I love taking photos! From bugs to animals to babies and family's! I am the owner of Blue Ram photography. Were a beginner company, but what i really love is gardening. This year I pestered my husband to do a veggie garden. We had lots of problems and only ended up with cucumbers and peppers. Everything else didn't make it. Being first time gardeners I was very sad but I cant wait for next spring where we will be doing a much bigger garden on my parents acres and I have convinced them to let us have chickens!!! I have been dreaming about raising cows, chickens and having horses and maybe even pigs! Eating what we did get out of the garden was so much better tasting than what we could get in the store. Right now we are city folk and our plans are to have land in 3 to 5 years to start our dream! I started canning this year! I love it! I have had to email Tammy so many times! She got me into canning from posting what she had done. I am so addicted! I have made pickles, pickled peppers,salsa, grape jelly,peach salsa, peach jam, nectarine jam and jelly, pear jelly and plum jelly. I also started baking. I made a home made apple pie from crust to inside ( I found out that if you don't have a rolling pin that you can use a unopened pop can to roll out the crust!) and apple bread! My husband was in hog heaven! He told me I couldn't stop baking! :D I just made white chocolate chip and chocolate chip sugar cookies! They are sooo good! I have dipped half of the cookie in white chocolate bark! Taste's like heaven! I love cooking but I hate cleaning up! We just bought a fixer up house and the kitchen needs a whole redo! I can't wait to get it set up! I'll have 2 pantries just for home made food! I sure hope its going to be enough!!! It will have a lot of counter space so i can spread out my work! The last to rent houses we had had only 2 small counter tops! I have been bitten with the farming bug and I cant wait to get our dream. I want to raise British whites and I have fall in love with Tammy's little Jerseys so i want a couple of them! Our daughter already loves horses! ( just like me) I would like to have Clydesdale but I don't think I could ever get one! hahaha
I love Mustangs and Paints and Arabians and Tenn. Walkers and and and.....ok I don't think there is a horse in this world I wouldn't want!!! We have went to the local farmers market and I have enjoyed getting items from them but I cant wait to just got out the back door and get mine right of the vine!
Thanks for letting me ramble!
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Photos Courtesy of Rachel McBride and Blue Ram Photography
Thank you Rachel for being my very first "Friday's Featured Farmer"! I am so excited for you as you begin your journey into farming and homesteading!