Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dixie and Calves Find a New Home

Dixie, the Jersey, is a sweet, sweet girl. She has been nursing her own calf and three others for me a total of three months since she freshened. She is also a sweetheart in the stanchion.

I believe it was a "God-thing" when last Friday Mike was getting some hay for an established hay buyer that live right down the road from us. She and Mike were talking and she was interested in getting another Jersey. She had owned Jerseys in the past and loved them dearly but had to give them up because of some bumps she encountered on the road of life. The time was right for her to replace her Jerseys and she was interested in seeing my girls. She was also interested in the two steer calves that we had for sale. Mike and I talked about it and I felt that this was meant to be and that this lady would give Dixie a wonderful home. So, we settled on a price for Dixie and the two calves and Monday we delivered them to their new home.

In case I needed any confirmation that it was the right thing to do, my feelings were validated when the lady impulsively threw her arms around my neck, gave me the biggest hug, and said, "Thank you. Thank you Tammy for my Jersey".

Of course I cried when I left them there, but I know they have a wonderful home and they live just down the road from the farm. I will be able to visit them anytime.

So with five of my animals (one cow, two heifers, and two steers) going to new homes in a matter of three days, I am left feeling the "empty nest". Mike is worried about how I am going to fill it up again!