Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cupp's Chicken Chronicles

I have had a "make-shift" chicken arrangement for the last three years. We recently found a storage building for a good price on Craigslist and purchased it. We are having it moved to the house today and it will be my new chicken house! My chickens are free range and only go into the house to roost at night, however, in inclement weather it will be nice to have a big enough place to keep them in if necessary. This new house will also help keep out predators and will be big enough that I can section of a portion for the smaller chicks that I am starting. I am really excited about it!

On a side note, I have eight new chicks that hatched out today! I have not been able to get any hens here at the house to be broody enough to hatch eggs for the last couple for years. However, at the other farm there are some game hens running around that we do nothing with except gather their eggs and eat them! They are the broodiest things you have ever seen, but there is not rooster with them. So, when one went broody, we switched out her infertile eggs for eight eggs from my RI Reds. She hatched every one of them! We put her and the peeps in a cage and will let her raise them for a few days and then I will take them and put them under a light!