Today was Mother's Day and it was a bittersweet day for me. I tried to focus on the joy of my children and how blessed I am to be called "Mom" by two beautiful, wonderful and precious children as well as step-mom to two extra special, lovely children. This being my first Mother's Day with one of my children in Heaven, brought tears to my eyes but also joy to my heart knowing that I am so blessed to have had him here with me for 18 years and to know that one day we will spend every Mother's Day together for the rest of eternity.
Alissa had to work today, so we went to Red Lobster early and asked for her to by our waitress. She gave me lots of hugs and extra attention. Several older men wanted to know why Mike and I got hugs from the waitress and they didn't!
After leaving the restaurant, Mike took me on a long drive into Bath County, VA. We have done a lot of Sunday afternoon drives but have never gone in that direction before today. What a lovely place! The scenery was beautiful and I would love to go back again and spend more time exploring. There were no crowds of people and everything was quiet and relaxed. We found a lovely spot where the only existing commercial dairy in Bath County was built in 1928. The dairy has long since been out of business, but in recent years the residents of the community have seen the historical significance of the place and they raised money along with grants from the state of Virginia to restore the old barn and buildings. The buildings are now used as a community center and house among other things, a nice little deli where one can buy farmstead cheese, gift items and have a sanwhich, homemade soup or a hot latte. Since I am very into all things dairy, I fell in love with the place! I told Mike he could just by it for me and I would just live there with my dairy cows! :-)