What does any good grandma do when a new baby is born? Why jump in the car and head across state lines to visit of course! That's exactly what I did yesterday!
My dear husband says, "Let me get this straight. You own cows and have calves born here on the farm on a regular basis. Yet, you want to drive five hours round trip to see a cow and a calf?"
I just smiled and he put fuel in the car.
We had a lovely drive from our house in the Shenandoah Valley into West Virginia. We love taking long drives and although there was quite a bit of snow on the ground for part of our journey, the roads were relatively clear. We enjoyed the old houses and buildings along the way. We especially enjoyed looking at the farms.
It was a great time visiting with friends, although we couldn't stay long because we had to get back to milk! It was a thrill to see Scarlette and Sugar, who both once lived here with us, in such a loving environment. The baby, Nestle, was perfect in every way and I was able to love on her to my heart's content. And like a good grandma, I took pictures to share!