Saturday, August 05, 2023

Summer Surplus Pickles


Summer Surplus Pickles

It's that time of year when the squash is piled up in half-bushel baskets on the front porch.  We have pawned them off on friends, neighbors, and unsuspecting strangers!  Still, they accumulate! I have frozen squash, had squash at every conceivable meal, and canned squash relish.  I have sliced them into smaller pieces and fed them to the chickens.  The ones that were camouflaged beneath the large plant leaves and grew too big, I have carted off to the compost pile.   And still, they accumulate!  

Having pulled some of our garden onions and having also a half bushel of cucumbers, I decided to make what I am calling Summer Surplus Pickles yesterday.  I followed my Bread & Butter Pickle Recipe but substituted yellow squash for some of the cucumbers in the recipe.  I also added sliced celery and carrots to the mix.  (In the past, I have canned a similar recipe from a very old cookbook called Thousand Island Pickles but it did not contain the yellow squash, and the pickling brine was a little different.)

The final product yielded a lovely batch of colorful sweet pickles that we will enjoy this winter!