Saturday, May 21, 2022

FLAT BROKE WITH TWO GOATS by Jennifer McGaha ~ A book review


I picked up this book because it combines two of my favorite interests: farming and Appalachia. The author spends a lot of time explaining how she and her husband came to be at odds with the Federal Government for tax evasion. I realize this is an important part of the story, but I felt like it could have been covered in a few paragraphs rather than several chapters. Once past the drawn-out explanations for their financial woes and all the excuses, the more I enjoyed the story.

I believe the book will hold the attention of most readers, especially those who farm, homestead, or dream of doing so. I will admit that I cringed at some of the author's rookie mistakes with her little homestead but I enjoyed her sense of humor and willingness to be open and honest. I tried to keep my judgmental attitude regarding the author and her husband's inability to manage their finances to a minimum but found that difficult at times. Fair or not, I am sure it influenced my review. There was, however, enough intrigue for me to give the story three stars.

I borrowed this book through LIBBY and listened to the audio version of the story.  On a side note, the narrator was more difficult for me to listen to than some.