Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Making Sour Cream (Reviewed and Updated 9/2/2023)

Sour cream is simply...............soured cream and it is one of the easiest dairy products to make.

The recipe is simple:

*Clabber your raw milk
*Strain your clabber
*Salt and Whisk the soured cream

Sure, you can just clabber the cream only for a richer, creamier product but in a pinch, you can use a mixture of milk and cream or even just the milk.  

Need help making clabber?  You can find information at this link.  

To strain, place clabbered cream or milk in a cheesecloth.  Bring the corners of the cheesecloth together and tie them closed.  Suspend cheesecloth filled with clabber over a bowl or jar to catch the dripping whey.  The longer you allow it to drip, the thicker the sour cream.  In fact, if you leave it to drip long enough, it will become cream cheese.  I put my dripping, clabbered cream in a cool place or in the refrigerator to keep the flavor from becoming overly sour.  When the cream has reached the desired consistency, salt, and whisk or blend the cream for a smooth, final product.